Real Estate is a type of property. That includes unimproved land And improvements including Buildings, Furnishings, Roads, Buildings, and Utility Systems. Property rights confer ownership of the land improvements and Natural Resources that Defence Garden provides to their clients [including Water, Minerals, Plants, and other living things].
Knowing the term is necessary to begin understanding Real Estate. Typical individuals think of selling properties when they hear about the word Real Estate. Selling houses is not only one aspect of Real Estate, but there are many more aspects which are Structures, Fences, and many other things affixed to the lands.
People popularly believe, Real Estate is not just about houses. The rest of the property is also an important component, and a numerous jobs in the Real Estate selling process make everything run smoothly and expertly.
A Real Estate broker is typically a profession that the most typical person is familiar about. A person must have the requirements as a salesperson needs to become a Real Estate Broker, but they must also have their Salesperson license for at least 24 months.
There Are Several Types Of Real Estate, Each With A Unique Purpose And Utility. The Main Categories Are:
For anyone looking to understand how the industry and Defence Garden provide services, and What each category represents, the explanations below will be a helpful guide.
For all sorts of real property, land serves as the foundation. Terrain usually refers to undeveloped land and open space. To enhance the Density and increase the value of properties, developers buy land, combine it with other properties (A process known as assembly) and rezone it.
individual, family, and group dwellings are all included in residential Real Estate. The majority of People are familiar with this asset class, and this is the most prevalent estate type.
Single-Family Houses, Apartments, Condos, Townhouses, And Various Housing Arrangements Fall Under The Category Of Residential.
Land and Structures used by enterprises for operations are Referred to as commercial properties. Shopping Centres, Individual Stores, Office Buildings, Parking Lots, Healthcare Facilities, and Hotels are a few examples.
Now let us look at some concrete examples of the different types of Real Estate Services offered by Defence Garden.
We have the vision to empower the Real Estate Industry with construction experiences. Defence Garden was envisioned by Mr. Yogesh Tyagi 15 years ago with its co-founder Kuldeep Tomar And Rahul Chaudhary.
At Defence Garden, we consistently deliver on our commitments to our customers and leave a legacy of excellence in our workplace. From Meerut, we have completed several colony projects in this city. We are a thriving Real Estate Company trusted by hundreds of households.
Detached House – A house designed for only one family
Apartment Building – A group of housing units designed to accommodate multiple families
Attachment – An entity that is attached (Not Detached) to another entity
Apartment -The boundaries of dwellings are understand by perimeters of locked or lockable doors. These are usually in high-rise apartment buildings.
Condominium – Commonly found in multi-story single-family houses where each floor is a separate apartment or unit.
Condominium – A building with individual units owned by individuals. Detached House – A detached building not connected to anything else (Stereotypical “House”).
Portable House – A house that can be moved with help of a flat cart
RV – Wheeled vehicle with permanent residence attached.
Mansion – It is a usually one-roof building with a sloping roof.
Huts – Dwelling is made of raw materials such as bamboo, mud, and clay.
The Real Estate industry is sub-divided into different areas:
Sales And Marketing
Property Management
Professional Services (Law, Accounting, Etc.)
Real Estate development is the process of purchasing Raw Land, Reusing Buildings, Constructing And Renovating, and Selling or Leasing the final product to the end user. The developer makes a profit by increasing the value of properties (Building, Upgrading, Repurposing, Etc.) and taking the risk of financing the project. Development companies create new products that can be the “Primary Market” or the generation of new inventory.
Sales And Marketing companies work with developers to sell the buildings and units developed by them. These companies generate a commission by creating all marketing materials and using salespeople to sell their inventory of completed units. These companies tend to focus on new entities.
A realtor is a business that employs a team of Real Estate Agents (Brokers) to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers of Real Estate. Your job is to represent both parties and help them buy or sell on the best possible terms.
Property Management companies assist property owners in renting out units in their buildings. Their responsibilities include collecting rent, viewing units, fixing defects, making repairs, and managing tenants. They charge the owner a fee, usually a percentage of the rent.
Lenders play an important role in the industry, and virtually all Real Estate and developments use leverage (Debt) to finance their operations. Lenders are banks, credit unions, private lenders, and government agencies.
Various Real Estate professionals work in the industry and help make it work. The most common examples (Not Listed Above) are accountants, lawyers, interior designers, set builders, general contractors, and construction workers.
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